Typography II
Section 001
The work I chose is from Communication Arts Interactive Annual 14, September/October 2008, pages 152-153. The context in which this work is presented is in the self-promotion section of the magazine. This piece is a webpage design for Jam3media. Jam3media is an interactive studio specializing in Flash and database-driven websites. The content of this webpage consists of images from various portfolios; the connection this content has to the form is that the size of the images is reduced and they are placed together in a Tetris-like pattern to form words of either the webpage name or of the artist. On each artist’s page, their work is what forms the squares that spell out their name. The piece is visually interesting primarily because of how efficiently the work is compiled. Viewers can browse the site and see each artist’s work in the tiles of their name. The mosaic design is aesthetically pleasing in how it contrasts the background. The slight mirrored effect under the mosaic design of each page is another interesting element. The primary principles of design used here are unity and variety. There is variety in how each image is separate and even unrelated, yet there is unity in how they are all used together to form a design. This image is a great example of the gestalt principle as well. Emphasis is also evident because the mosaic word on each page is set off from the black background, drawing the eye straight towards it to examine the portfolio pieces that the word is comprised of. Balance is also achieved in placing the mosaic words in the center of the page and anchoring them with the slight mirrored effect. The type relates to the image because the sum of the images is what makes the type exist.
nice review...how does this tie into the database part of what this group does?